Problem statement
The cause of global warming is an increase in certain gases that retain heat. Over 90% of the
problem is two carbon-based gases, Methane and CO2.
Governments worldwide have agreed to reduce CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050, but the policies and
measures they are putting in place don't look like they will reduce the carbon emissions fast enough
to meet that target.
Individuals can change this future. Climate catastrophe is preventable if we adopt a low-carbon
lifestyle. We can reduce our carbon emissions by 80% without waiting for the government or
corporations to take action.
To reduce our carbon footprint, we must make substantial lifestyle changes. It can be done, and new
technologies to make things greener are coming on stream all the time, but it is a reminder that the
declared aim in many countries of going carbon neutral by 2050 means a revolution in how we live.